Tips for eliminating the flash of color upon website loading

Every time I visit my site at , there's a brief moment of grey before the site fully loads. Despite being a simple landing page, it seems to be taking longer than expected to load. I suspect this issue is caused by the combination of linear gradients and scanline effects used as background images. In the past, I tried using an SVG solution to create the scanlines instead of an image, but the "flash" effect was too noticeable, so I switched back to the image method.

How can I eliminate this flash of color from my site in order to provide a smoother loading experience for users?

UPDATE: Despite running a PageSpeed analysis that shows no apparent issues, the presence of the flash indicates there may be a bug rather than a performance problem.

Answer №1

When referring to the gray background that appears before the white text and picture on a webpage, it is most likely the time taken to download the background graphic.

The current background setting (as of now) can be seen below:

html {
     background: linear-gradient( rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) ), 
                 url('images/StockSnap_POIHJNTKDB_1920.jpg') right/cover;

This code indicates that a gray (black at 50% opacity) linear gradient is applied before loading the background image.

To enhance this aspect, you have several options to consider:

  • An option is to utilize the Preloader as suggested by Zen. However, keep in mind that installing the entire product for one feature may create additional overhead.
  • You can modify the gray background to a different color or remove it altogether.
  • To speed up loading time, reduce the filesize of the background image (currently 686kb).
  • Your PageSpeed Insights report indicates that caching the image (and other images) could improve loading performance. It's worth noting that PageSpeed Insights may not evaluate CSS resources, hence the high rating provided.
  • Implement CSS @media queries to only load the image with dimensions suitable for the viewport screen size.

    Although this won't completely resolve the issue, it will aid in reducing the filesize. The current image size of 2,343px × 1,080px is best suited for larger screens like desktops or TVs.

    Create multiple images with varying dimensions to accommodate this approach.

Answer №2

experiment with the following code

body{ background:none !important }

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