The layout of my page remains consistent regardless of the width of the window. Check it out here.
There is no additional margin or padding at the top. When I use window.print() and select a wider paper size, everything still looks good. See for yourself here. However, when I select a thinner paper size, this happens here. As you can see, there is added margin or padding at the top which seems to be caused by importing bootstrap.min.css 4.4.1. Without importing bootstrap, things look better even with a thinner paper size here. Unfortunately, since I need bootstrap for styling my project, I'm stuck. Your help in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I've tried setting margins and paddings using @media print, but to no avail. Here's what I did here. It almost seems like there's an element above the html element causing this issue. To get a clearer picture, I set border styles for body and other elements so that I can identify the body structure more clearly. Check it out here.