Need assistance with styling specific buttons on my WordPress site using custom CSS in the Customizer.
The block of code containing the buttons is as follows:
<div class="xoo-cp-container">
<!-- Button Container Code Here -->
<!-- Additional Code Blocks -->
<div class="xoo-cp-btns">
<a class="xoo-cp-btn-vc xcp-btn" href="#">View Cart</a>
<a class="xoo-cp-btn-ch xcp-btn" href="#">Checkout</a>
<a class="xoo-cp-close xcp-btn">Continue Shopping</a>
I've attempted to style each button using the following CSS rules:
.xoo-cp-btn-vc{background:green!important; color:white!important;}
a.xoo-cp-btn-vc{background:green!important; color:white!important;}
.xoo-cp-btns .xoo-cp-btn-vc{background:green!important; color:white!important;}
a.xoo-cp-btns .xoo-cp-btn-vc{background:green!important; color:white!important;}
However, none of them seems to be working correctly. Can someone please provide guidance on how to target these elements accurately?
Your help is greatly appreciated!