Tips for displaying text in the input field that disappears when focused

Take a look at the jsfiddle link provided below:

The example shows two search boxes with a button underneath. How can I make it so that text is initially present in each box but disappears when clicked on?

If a box is clicked on and nothing is entered, how can I make the text reappear?

Thank you for your help! I've been searching around but I'm unsure of what this feature is called or what language needs to be used.

Thanks again!


Answer №1

Make sure to utilize the placeholder attribute for your input fields.

<input type='text' placeholder='something' />

Answer №2

When working with HTML5, you have the option to utilize the placeholder="" attribute:

placeholder="Enter your text here"

For situations where HTML5 is not being used, jQuery can be employed to modify the value (especially for older browsers and IE):

            // Clear the field's initial value on focus if it hasn't been changed
            if ( (this.value) == this.defaultValue ) this.value = '';    
            // Restore the initial value if the field is still empty on blur
            if ( (this.value) == '' )   this.value = this.defaultValue;    

Answer №3

In cases where older browsers need to be supported and the HTML5 placeholder attribute cannot be used, JavaScript can be utilized instead. The following code snippet serves as a starting point:

var inputField = document.getElementById("input1");
inputField.onfocus = function() {
    if(this.value === "Default") {
        this.value = "";  
inputField.onblur = function() {
    if(this.value === "") {
        this.value = "Default"; 

For a demonstration of how it functions, refer to this revised fiddle. It is important to note that an id has been added to the input element for accessibility through getElementById. To extend this functionality to multiple inputs, consider creating a more general solution rather than targeting just one element.

Answer №4

Once, I successfully implemented a solution on a webpage using the infieldlabel tool from It was effective in achieving the desired result, but it should be noted that this tool relies on jQuery as a plugin.

Answer №5

Are you referring to a placeholder?

Answer №6

This website provides assistance with implementing the placeholder attribute.

Currently, full cross-browser compatibility is not guaranteed, with IE posing the main challenge.

Visit this link for more information

Some developers are using divs to create workarounds for IE compatibility issues, where clicking on them hides the placeholders. A quick search on Google for "placeholder" will yield various solutions. :)

I hope this information proves helpful!

Answer №7

Solution is right at your fingertips.

<input type="text" name="searchText" placeholder="Type your search here!" />

Visit W3Schools to learn more about the placeholder attribute.

Take a look at this jsFiddle example for a quick demonstration.

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