Tips for displaying specific information using Javascript depending on the input value of an HTML form

I am working on an HTML form that includes a dropdown list with four different names to choose from.

    window.onload = function(){
        document.getElementById("submit").onclick = displaySelectedStudent;

    function displaySelectedStudent(){
        if(document.getElementById("mary jones").value == "mary jones"){
            document.getElementById("students").innerHTML = "Mary Jones";
        else if(document.getElementById("jane doe").value == "jane doe"){
            document.getElementById("students").innerHTML = "Jane Doe";
        else if(document.getElementById("henry miller").value == "henry miller"){
            document.getElementById("students").innerHTML = "Henry Miller";
        else if(document.getElementById("john smith").value == "john smith"){
            document.getElementById("students").innerHTML = "John Smith";
<div id="students">
<form id="getStudent" action="" method="GET">
    <select name="students">
        <option value="john smith" id="john smith">John Smith</option>
        <option value="jane doe" id="jane doe">Jane Doe</option>
        <option value="henry miller" id="henry miller">Henry Miller</option>
        <option value="mary jones" id="mary jones">Mary Jones</option>
    <input id="submit" type="submit">

Upon clicking the submit button, a JavaScript function is called to display the name of the selected student. However, only the result of the first if statement is currently being displayed. I suspect that I need to pass the form data value into the function, but I am unsure how to accomplish this. Here is the current JavaScript code I have developed for this purpose.

Answer №1

To ensure the correct option is selected, make sure to utilize the value property instead of just setting it as "Mary Jones". By accessing the .value property of the <select> element, you can obtain the actual value of the selected option:

function displayStudent() {
    var chosen = document.getElementById("chooseStudent")["students"].value;
    var result = document.getElementById("selectedStudent");
    if (chosen == "mary jones") {
        result.innerHTML = "Mary Jones";
    } else if (chosen == "jane doe") {
        result.innerHTML = "Jane Doe";
    } else if (chosen == "henry miller") {
        result.innerHTML = "Henry Miller";
    } else {
        result.innerHTML = "John Smith";

It's worth noting that ID names should not contain spaces - modify your <option> elements accordingly:

<option value="mary jones" id="maryJones">Mary Jones</option>

Answer №2

To obtain the chosen option from the list of options within the select element, extract the text content and display it.

window.onload = function() {
  document.getElementById("submit").onclick = showStudents;

function showStudents( e ) {
  var selectField = document.querySelector("select");
  var displayText = selectField.options[ selectField.selectedIndex ].innerText;
  document.getElementById("students").innerText = displayText;
<div id="students"></div>
<form id="getStudent" action="" method="GET">
  <select name="students">
    <option value="john smith" id="john smith">John Smith</option>
    <option value="jane doe" id="jane doe">Jane Doe</option>
    <option value="henry miller" id="henry miller">Henry Miller</option>
    <option value="mary jones" id="mary jones">Mary Jones</option>
  <input id="submit" type="submit">

Answer №3

There are several issues in your code that need to be addressed:

First of all, it is crucial to avoid assigning duplicate IDs to different elements within your HTML code. Each ID should be unique across the entire document to prevent unexpected errors when using functions like .getElementById().

Secondly, there is no necessity to provide IDs for <option> elements unless it serves a specific purpose. In this case, assigning IDs does not offer any benefits.

Thirdly, if you do decide to give IDs to <option> elements, avoid including spaces in the ID names as it can lead to undesirable outcomes.

Moreover, if your goal is simply to display the selected value, there is no need to use multiple if-else statements to handle each possibility individually. Utilizing a switch statement instead will improve the readability and conciseness of your code.

I have implemented some changes to your code based on these recommendations:

window.onload = function() {
  document.getElementById("submit").onclick = showStudents;

function showStudents() {

  var n = document.getElementById("sel_students");
  var name = n.options[n.selectedIndex].value;
  var output = document.getElementById("div_students");

  output.innerHTML = name;

  switch (name) {
    case "mary jones":
      output.innerHTML += "<br> Hi Mary..";
    case "jane doe":
      output.innerHTML += "<br> Goodbye Jane";
    case "henry miller":
      output.innerHTML += "<br> Good afternoon";
    case "john smith":
      output.innerHTML += "<br> No Pokahontis here";

<div id="div_students">
  <form id="form_students" action="" method="GET">
    <select name="students" id="sel_students">
      <option value="john smith">John Smith</option>
      <option value="jane doe">Jane Doe</option>
      <option value="henry miller">Henry Miller</option>
      <option value="mary jones">Mary Jones</option>
    <input id="submit" type="submit">

Answer №4

Please follow these steps

    window.onload = function(){
        document.getElementById("submit").onclick = displayStudents;

    function displayStudents(){
        document.getElementById("students").innerHTML = document.getElementById("student-list").value;
<div id="students">
<form id="getStudent" action="" method="GET">
    <select name="students" id="student-list">
        <option value="john smith" id="john smith">John Smith</option>
        <option value="jane doe" id="jane doe">Jane Doe</option>
        <option value="henry miller" id="henry miller">Henry Miller</option>
        <option value="mary jones" id="mary jones">Mary Jones</option>
    <input id="submit" type="submit">

Answer №5

What is the reason for not utilizing jQuery?

Retrieve it through id

var result = $('select#dropDownId option:selected').val();

Answer №6

<div id="classmates">
<form id="getClassmate" action="" method="GET">
    <select name="classmates" id="classmates_value">
        <option value="alex smith">Alex Smith</option>
        <option value="sarah doe">Sarah Doe</option>
        <option value="david miller">David Miller</option>
        <option value="lucy jones">Lucy Jones</option>
    <input id="submit" type="submit">

function displayClassmates(){
    var selected = document.getElementById("classmates_value");
    document.getElementById("classmates").innerHTML = selected;

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