Tips for displaying a gallery of 5 images in a 2-row slider using bxslider

I've been attempting to create a unique image slider using bxslider. My goal is to have a 2-row slider with 5 images displayed in each row. However, I'm encountering difficulties when I try to integrate the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code.

Despite my efforts, I haven't been successful in positioning the slider on the left side of the page and aligning text on the right side. The slider is displaying all images in a single column rather than two rows as intended.

        minSlides: 1,
        maxSlides: 5,
        mode: 'fade',
        adaptiveHeight: true

Answer №1

To display 5 slides in a single row, utilize the slideWidth and mode:'horizontal' in combination with minSlides and maxSlides. However, it is not possible to show 2 rows on a single slide as the plugin does not support it.

For showcasing a single row with 5 images at a time, refer to the code snippet below:

$(document).ready(function() {
  var slider = $('.slider').bxSlider({
    minSlides: 1,
    maxSlides: 5,
    mode: 'horizontal',
    adaptiveHeight: true,
    slideWidth: 100,
    moveSlides: 5,
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<div class="slider">
  <div><img src="image1.jpg"></div>
  <div><img src="image2.jpg"></div>
  <div><img src="image3.jpg"></div>
  <div><img src="image4.jpg"></div>
  <div><img src="image5.jpg"></div>
  <div><img src="image6.jpg"></div>
  <div><img src="image7.jpg"></div>

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