Tips for displaying a digital keyboard when a webpage loads on iOS Safari

While developing a website, I noticed that the virtual keyboard fails to appear when an input field gains focus during the page load process. As per Apple's policy restrictions, this functionality is not allowed. However, I am interested in finding a workaround or method to bypass this limitation. Any suggestions or insights would be appreciated.


The issue is that on iPhone devices in Safari browser, the digital keyboard does not show up automatically after the page loads. The user has to manually click on the input field for the keyboard to appear. In contrast, Android devices display the keyboard without any extra steps required from the user.

CSS code below:

        display: flex;
        width: 216px; 
        height: 44;

JS code below:

const inactiveInputBorderColor = "1px solid rgba(156, 150, 127, 0.24)";
            const activeInputBorderColor = "2px solid rgba(255, 212, 3, 1)";


Answer №1

If you're working with React JS, you can utilize the useRef hook to obtain a reference to the element's value and then implement the following code snippet to focus on your input:

const myRef = useRef(null);

useEffect(() => {
}, [])

// Referencing your element with ref
<input ref={inputRef} type="text" />

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