Tips for disabling autofocus on textarea when it is initially created in Internet Explorer browser

By clicking a button, I can generate a new

. However, in Internet Explorer, the cursor automatically moves to the newly created text area. Is there a way to prevent this from happening?

Answer №1

To remove focus from a textarea element, you can simply use the blur() function in jQuery:

        $('body').append('<textarea>Placeholder Text</textarea>');
        $('body textarea:last-of-type').blur();

This code snippet demonstrates how to append a new <textarea> element to the body and then remove focus from it.

Check out the JSFiddle Demo!

Answer №2

Try applying a blur effect, shifting the focus away or focusing on another element once it has been generated! For example: if the newly created element belongs to the "highlighted" class, execute the following code:


Answer №3

You have the ability to initiate a blur event on the textarea by utilizing .blur(), however, it appears that the auto-focus functionality is not functioning properly in Internet Explorer.
Feel free to take a look at this link for more details:

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