Tips for customizing the background color of a kendo-ui Dialog component in Angular

Recently, I encountered an issue while trying to change the background color of a pop-up window. My initial attempt using the [ngStyle] attribute resulted in only changing the color of the backdrop rather than the desired pop-up. After some investigation, I discovered that applying the background-color attribute to the k-window class successfully changed the background color of the pop-up. However, I wanted this color change to be based on a specific condition.

I experimented with adding the class definition directly into the condition, but it seems that only the name of the class can be used in this way. Is there another method or workaround to achieve the desired background color change for the pop-up?

Here's an example of what I attempted:

<kendo-dialog [ngClass]="{'k-window{background-color:red}' : flag = true,'k-window{background-color:green}': flag = false">

Answer №1

Using the ngClass directive to easily manage CSS classes

<div [ngClass]="'example-class'"></div>

NgClass can be used to apply multiple fixed class names simultaneously:

<div [ngClass]="['example-class', 'other-class']"></div>

If we need to switch CSS classes based on a condition, we provide a JavaScript object with class names as keys and conditions as values.

  'example-class': condition

We can also utilize ngClass for applying multiple CSS classes based on different conditions.

  'example-class': condition,
  'other-class': !condition

Experiment with this in a Kendo-dialog component

<div id="kendo-grid"> 

In your CSS stylesheet

#kendo-grid .kendo-grid{

Answer №2

After experimenting with various methods, I finally discovered a way to customize the background color of the kendo-ui dialog in angular by overriding the global CSS.

I identified that the specific class responsible for controlling the color was k-window-content

To achieve this customization, I applied the following CSS override within the component where I wanted the change:

::ng-deep .k-window-content{ background-color: 'red'}

However, I soon realized that the color modification affected all instances of the dialog when navigating between components, which was not my intention.

That's when I came up with a solution

:host ::ng-deep .k-window-content { background-color: 'red'; }

By including :host in the CSS declaration, I managed to restrict the background color alteration to only the desired component, ensuring other dialogs in different components remained unaffected.

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