Tips for customizing the appearance of checkbox images in Material UI using React.js

Looking to update the color of the small black icon in my checkbox to a different shade! Here is my code snippet:

Defined Material UI theme colors:

export const colors: IAppColors = {
   darkTheme: {
      primary: {
         placeholder: "#607589",
         bright: "#37AFE2",
         light: "#276899",
         grey: "#242F3D",
         main: "#17212B",
         dark: "#0E1621",

      secondary: {
         grey: "rgba(255,255,255, .08)",
         light: "rgba(255,255,255, .1)",
         main: "#fff",
         dark: "",

Mui theme checkbox styling:

      MuiCheckbox: {
         styleOverrides: {
            root: {
               transition: "all .2s ease",

               "&.Mui-checked": {
                  ".MuiSvgIcon-root": {
                     color: colors.darkTheme.primary.bright,

               ".MuiSvgIcon-root": {
                  fontSize: "2.2rem",

               ".MuiTouchRipple-root": {
                  opacity: "0.3",

Link to Checkbox image

Questioning how to change only the color of the little black icon to white without adjusting the app's main color defined in the palette.

Tried updating the main color to white in the theme palette, but looking for a solution that retains the black theme while changing just this specific icon color.

Answer №1

Customize the Icon and checkedIcon properties in the Checkbox component

          icon={props.disabled ? <CheckboxDisabledIcon /> : <CheckboxIcon />}
          checkedIcon={indeterminate ? <CheckboxIndeterminateIcon /> : <CheckboxActiveIcon />}

Here's how you can do it:

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