Tips for creating distinct hover descriptions for each element in an array

My dilemma may not be fully captured by the title I've chosen, but essentially, I am working with a list of names and I want each one to display a unique description when hovered over with a mouse.

On the surface, this seems like a simple task, right?

However, here's where it gets tricky - these names are stored as elements in an array.

I can't just use < a title="DESCRIPTION" /> ARRAY CODE < /a> because that would give every name in the array the same hover description.

So, my question is: How do I go about coding it so that each name in the array triggers a different hover description?

Answer №1

If you want to connect descriptions with names, consider using an object for mapping. Here's an example:

const relationships = {
    'Bob': 'me',
    'Joe': 'my friend',
    'Bill': 'a random guy',

You can then iterate over the object using a for in loop to create elements. Here's how:

for (const person in relationships) {
    $('body').append(`<a title="${relationships[person]}"> ${person} </a>`);

Since objects have a time complexity of O(1), this method should be faster compared to using a multidimensional array. However, keep in mind that JS objects do not guarantee order. If order is important to you, consider using a map instead. Here's an example:

const relationships = new Map();
relationships.set('Bob', 'me');
relationships.set('Joe', 'my friend');
relationships.set('Bill', 'a random guy');

for (const [name, description] of relationships) {
    $('body').append(`<a title="${description}"> ${name} </a>`);

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