Tips for creating a static header div with a fixed size and a scrollable body

Check out the code snippet below as a reference:
<div class="main">
<div class="header">
<div class="footer">

  overflow: hidden;
  overflow-y: scroll;

JSFiddle I have encountered a scenario where the size of my parent div is unknown, it is written in an iframe and I am inserting an angular template into the iframe. I have managed to fix the header, but I'm having trouble making it scrollable. To make it scrollable, I would need to provide a fixed height for the div, which is not possible due to...

Answer №1

Implemented Infinite Scroll functionality by utilizing the InfiniteScrollModule from NPM.

Utilized the ngx-infinite-scroll library by importing { InfiniteScrollModule }.

Additionally, incorporated CSS to enforce a fixed body layout.

For example:

.modal{display: block !important; }

.modal-header .close{margin-top:0px;}

.modal-dialog{ overflow-y: initial !important}

.modal-body{ height: 20rem; overflow-y: auto;}

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