Tips for creating a custom cursor

I'm currently working on a class that is responsible for changing the mouse cursor when it hovers over a specific element. It requires a string parameter, which is the relative path to my custom cursor file (it's a .png file). However, upon running the website, only the default pointer is displayed. What could be causing this issue? Am I missing something in my implementation?

Below is the code snippet I've been using:

         * Indicates whether the mouse has entered the object
        private _hasEntered: boolean = false;

         * The file name of the custom cursor
        private _fileName: string = "";

        constructor(fileName: string) {
            this._fileName = fileName;

         * Initializes the class
        public awake(): void {
            //...Code to handle mouse enter/exit events should be placed here

         * Triggered when the mouse enters the object
        private _onMouseEnter(): void {
   = this._fileName;
            this._hasEntered = true;

Answer №1

The name of the file is essentially a URL and must be indicated in this manner. Give this code snippet a try: = 'url(' + this._fileName + ')';

Answer №2

To begin, it is often more effective to simply set the cursor property on the hovered item like this:

img.specialpointer {
    cursor: url(pics/specialcursor.png), auto;

It's important to note that this will override any cursor behavior set on the body element. It's also uncertain whether IMG has a default cursor property. If so, the body cursor settings will be disregarded.

Additionally, make sure you are correctly setting your cursor property. The syntax could look something like this: = 'url(' + this._fileName + '), auto';

Lastly, keep in mind that custom cursor images may not be supported by all web browsers.

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