Tips for creating a consistent header and footer across an HTML CSS web application

My previous projects involved using ASP.NET MVC and utilizing

to incorporate common static HTML across different pages. However, my current project is a pure HTML CSS and JS web app with no server-side technology.

The layout of this site consists of a header, changing content area, and footer:

----- HEADER -----

----- Changing Content ------

----- FOOTER ------

Now, I would like to achieve the same functionality as @Html.Partial(). One method I know of is using iframes, but I am curious if there is a more efficient approach available?

Answer №1

During my experience creating a Chrome extension, I encountered a situation that required fixed headers and footers.

To achieve this, I stored the header and footer in variables within a JavaScript file and then used jQuery to append them to the body of the page. By including this JS file where I needed the header and footer, I was able to effortlessly add them to the page by simply adding the script in the head section.

Check out the working demo here

Here's the code snippet:

<!DOCTYPE html>
 <script src="" type="text/javascript">      </script>
 function appendheaderfooter(){
 var header="<div style='position:fixed;top:0px;background-color:aqua;'>header html</div>";
 var footer="<div style='position:fixed;bottom:0px;background-color:aqua;'>footer html</div>"
  window.onload = appendheaderfooter;
<p>Content goes here</p>

Answer №2

When hosting your web app on a server that supports Server Side Includes (like Apache), simply insert

<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
You may need to activate SSI first, depending on your web server (Options +Includes in .htaccess for Apache)

Answer №3

Evolution of Web Development Techniques

In the past, frames were a popular choice for web developers, but over time they have lost favor due to various reasons. An article from 2006 discussing this shift can be found here.

It seems that avoiding frames is now the preferred approach in modern web development :)

Choosing Server-Side Includes Over JavaScript

Server-Side Includes (SSI) or other server-based "include" methods are now favored over relying solely on JavaScript. While not a traditional HTML/JS/CSS solution, utilizing SSI offers benefits in certain scenarios.

An example of an SSI statement format is as follows:

<!--#include virtual="../quote.txt" -->

To explore more about SSI, you can visit this link.

Many responses on platforms like Stack Overflow also advocate for using server-side includes. Examples of such discussions can be found here, here, and here.

Note that while some recommend JavaScript solutions, there's a clear preference towards server-side techniques in the end.

Compiling HTML Code for Efficiency

In my experience, when creating a website using only HTML/CSS/JS, I prefer to modularize and "compile" the code before deployment.

This method, though requiring extra work upfront, results in clean and optimized code for deployment. By indicating what content needs inclusion and where, the compiled files contain pure HTML/CSS/JS ready for site hosting.

The use of SASS with Ruby on Rails for compilation is common practice. While specific references elude me currently, I will update my answer once I locate them again.

Answer №4

Do you consider utilizing Frameset, even though it is not a recommended practice in modern web development?

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