Tips for connecting a separate page to a button in Angular?

What is the best way to connect a login component to a button on the home page in Angular, so that it opens up a login page?

I have attempted to achieve this by creating a click event for the login button within myaccount-dropdown component in my-account-dropdown.html:

      <a href="#" class="sub-menu-link">
        <button (click)="navigateToLogin('login')">Login</button>

In my-account-dropdown.ts:

export class MyAccountDropdownComponent {
  isMenuOpen: boolean = false;

  toggleMenu(): void {
    this.isMenuOpen = !this.isMenuOpen;

  constructor(private router: Router) {}

  navigateToLogin(pagename: string):void {

In app-routing.module.ts:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';
import { LoginComponent } from '../app/login/login.component'; 

const routes: Routes = [
  // Other routes
  { path: 'login', component: LoginComponent }, 

  imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
  exports: [RouterModule],
export class AppRoutingModule {}

I have also created header and footer components and linked them to the home page in app.component.html. However, when I click the login button, the login page flickers and appears under the homepage. How can I make sure that only the login page is displayed when the button is clicked? Where should I properly link it?

Answer №1

It appears that your my-account-dropdown.html file is in good shape.
For the my-account-dropdown.ts file, make sure to implement the function like this:-
navigateToLogin():void {

The app-routing.module.ts file seems to be correct as well.

To enhance the structure of your project, modify the following sections in the app html and app.ts files:

App component.ts file:-
Start by initializing - routerChangeSubscription: Subscription | undefined;
In the constructor, invoke a function - this.getRouterChangeSubscription();
Define the mentioned function:
getRouterChangeSubscription(): void {
    this.routerChangeSubscription = any) => {
      if (route instanceof NavigationEnd) {
        if (route.url === '/' || route.url === '/login') {
          this.isShow = false;
        else {
          this.isShow = true;
App component.html :-
<div *ngIf=''>
<div *ngIf=''>

By applying these changes, when you navigate to the login page, only the login UI will be displayed. The header and footer UI will be hidden with the use of the variable.

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