Tips for concealing the loader once all pages have been loaded

Within the context of my website development project at , I am utilizing a script for infinite scrolling to consolidate multiple pages into one seamless scrolling experience.

I am seeking a solution to hide the loader (the spinning icon) when no additional pages need to be loaded. I attempted to use the following code snippet to detect errors ("

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
") and trigger the hiding process, but it did not produce the desired outcome. Is there something crucial that I might be overlooking?

window.addEventListener('error', function(e) {
}, true);

The code I have implemented to load more content is as follows:

//implementing infinite scrolling
  // Element containing pagination links
  navSelector: '.pagination',

  // Selector for the next page link
  nextSelector: '.pagination a',

  // Selector for items to retrieve
  itemSelector: '.grid-blog',

// Callback function executed after retrieving new elements
function(new_elts) {
  var elts = $(new_elts).css('opacity', 0);

  elts.animate({opacity: 1});
  $grid.packery('appended', elts);

    maxFontPixels: 36,

    itemSelector: '.grid-blog',
    gutter: 20,


Answer №1

To address your query effectively, we need to examine the code responsible for making HTTP calls in order to load your content. However,

1) It's possible that an error occurs while there are still contents waiting to load, causing your loader to vanish even though loading is not complete.

2) You should have a mechanism in place to inform your website about what needs to be loaded. This could involve an array of URLs or similar structure that can help in concealing the loader once all content is retrieved.

3) A function dedicated to making HTTP calls to retrieve content must exist somewhere in your code. This function should include a callback where any errors encountered can trigger the hiding of the loader.

Due to the limited visibility of your example code, it's challenging to offer more detailed guidance.

edit: upon reviewing your code, you may want to try:

// Function executed after fetching elements
function(new_elements) {
    if(!new_elements) {

While this suggestion might not be optimal, ideally your plugin should feature a built-in function to halt requesting new pages. Lacking insight into the specific function handling HTTP calls or a URL array/iterator, providing assistance is challenging.

You might find this demo helpful too:

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