Tips for concealing information that is scrolled beneath a translucent layer

In the scenario where you have two overlapping divs, with the top one being transparent, the goal is to have the bottom div hide as it goes under the top transparent div when scrolling. It's important that the bottom div's visibility is not completely hidden with a none; display property when it goes under the top div. The intention is for only the section that is under the top div to be hidden.

Extensive searches have been conducted for a solution:

1) Hide Scrolling Content Under Transparent Header

2) Scrollable Content Behind Transparent Fixed Position Divs When Scrolling The Page

3) Scrolling Body Underneath a Transparent Header Div

4) Transparent Static Header Would Like to Not End Up With Text Showing Under The Header When Scrolling

5) Hide Scrolling Content Under Fixed Transparent Header Scroll Background

Among the solutions provided in #1-4, the approach involves setting the top div's background to inherit or a specific background image. However, this is insufficient when the background is a changing photograph rather than a solid color or pattern. The transparent div's background needs to adjust accordingly as the real background changes.

Solution #5 utilizes JQuery to address this issue, but there have been reports of scroll lag problems in browsers other than Firefox.

With these considerations in mind, the question remains: How can this be achieved effectively?

Answer №1

Accomplishing this task is reliant on JavaScript. To prevent content from showing through a transparent layer, it should not be displayed altogether — utilizing overflow:hidden. The challenge arises when the content's border cannot be consistently displayed if it moves along with the page scroll. An element can be aligned either relative to the viewport or relative to the page, but not simultaneously in both ways.

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