Tips for concealing a chosen alternative from the menu of options when utilizing mat-select

I am currently working with the latest version of mat-select, version 16. I have a requirement where, when a specific option is selected and the select drop-down is clicked again, that selected option should not appear in the options list. Below is the HTML code I am using for this:

    <mat-select formControlName="value" selected="option1">
      <mat-option *ngFor="let item of options"
         [value]="item.value">{{ item.label }}</mat-option>

The available items are option1, option2, option3.

Is there a way to ensure that only option2 and option3 show in the dropdown menu when option1 is already selected? Any help would be highly appreciated!

Looking forward to your response!! Thank you in advance!!!

Answer №1

To achieve this effect, you can utilize a CSS class to conceal the chosen country selection.

  <mat-select name="countryVariable" [(value)]="selectedCountry" placeholder="Country">
    <mat-option *ngFor="let country of countries" [value]="country.short" [ngClass]="country.short === selectedCountry ? 'hidden' : ''">

display: none;

Answer №2

Give this a shot:

1- Start by initializing the selectedOption variable as an empty string in your TypeScript component. Then, create a method to update its value:

selectedOption: string = '';

setSelectedOption(option: string) {
  this.selectedOption = option;

2- In your HTML file, utilize this method to set the chosen value to selectedOption

    <mat-select formControlName="value" [(ngModel)]="selectedOption">
        <mat-option *ngFor="let item of options" [value]="item.value" (click)="setSelectedOption(item.value)">{{ item.label }}</mat-option>

Now, whenever you select an option, the setSelectedOption function will be triggered to update the selectedOption with the chosen value.

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