Tips for clearing CSS while conducting a subsequent search (eliminating results from the initial search)

I am currently working on a weather application using ES6 which is intended to suggest a song from Spotify based on the current weather conditions and forecast. However, I have encountered an issue where if a user performs consecutive searches for different locations, the app continues to display the song from the initial search.

My current approach involves hiding song tracks in CSS using the 'display: none' property and then toggling their display to 'block' in JavaScript based on the search results using if-statements. I am now seeking a solution to remove the first song displayed from the initial search.

I attempted to replace the if-statements with a switch statement, but it resulted in all songs being hidden. Another idea I have is to utilize classList, although I am unsure of the implementation...


#musicAtmosphere {
  display: none;


function showCurrentWeather(response) {
  let currentTemperature = document.querySelector("#currentTemperature");
  currentTemperature.innerHTML = `${Math.round(}°C`;
[etc... ]

if ([0].main === "Clear") {
    document.getElementById("musicClear").style.display = "block";
  if ([0].main === "Drizzle") {
    document.getElementById("musicDrizzle").style.display = "block";
  if ([0].main === "Rain") {
    document.getElementById("musicRain").style.display = "block";
  if ([0].main === "Clouds") {
    document.getElementById("musicClouds").style.display = "block";
  } else {
    document.getElementById("musicAtmosphere").style.display = "block";

Answer №1

To ensure that previous settings do not linger, you can reset the display property of each element to either block or none. One way to achieve this is by iterating through an array of weather types and setting the display property based on a condition:

  const weatherTypes = ["Clear","Drizzle","Rain","Clouds","Atmosphere"];
  weatherTypes.forEach( type => {
    const musicType = `music${type}`
    if ([0].main === type) {
      document.getElementById(musicType).style.display = "block";
    else {
      document.getElementById(musicType).style.display = "none";

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