Tips for centering text in a react flexbox layout

Utilizing react-flexbox-grid in my project has led to the following layout:

const SpicyMenu = (props) => (

        { => <SpicyMenuItem key={} {...foodItem}/>)}

const SpicyMenuItem = (props) => (
    <Grid fluid>
        <Row center="lg">
            <Col xs={3} sm={3} lg={2}><Avatar src={props.image}/></Col>
            <Col xs={6} sm={6} lg={4}>
                <Row around="lg">

            <Col xs={3} sm={3} lg={2}>

export default SpicyMenu;

Upon viewing this setup in a web browser, it's apparent that the text is not properly aligned within the box. Here are some snapshots for reference:

You can access my code on the menu branch by visiting

What steps should I take to ensure that the text aligns perfectly at the center of the Col element? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

If you want to vertically center items, the parent div can utilize the CSS property align-items: center;.

For a visual example, check out this CodePen demo:

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