Tips for causing a column to move to the following line once it exceeds the width of the div

My menu is exceeding the boundaries of its container. How can I make sure the overflowing content moves to a new line while staying within the parent element?

Check out an example here

Here is the structure of my HTML:

<div class="product-menu" style="display: flex;">
    <div class="kolom">
            <li><a href="woonkamer/gordijnen">Gordijnen</a></li>
            <li><a href="woonkamer/zitzak">Zitzak</a></li>
            <li><a href="woonkamer/bootstickers">Bootstickers</a></li>
            <li><a href="woonkamer/plafondoek">Plafondoek</a></li>


I am using display flex to arrange the columns horizontally, but they are not moving to a new line when they exceed the boundaries of the parent product-menu div.

Any suggestions on how to solve this issue?

Answer №1

Ordinarily, CSS flexbox does not permit items to wrap onto the next line. However, you have the option to enable item wrapping by applying CSS flex-wrap: wrap; to the flexbox container.

To implement this, you can modify the initial line in your HTML to:

<div class="product-menu" style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;">

Upon making this adjustment, please note that your layout may not appear seamless from a design perspective due to some alignment issues, but this should address your immediate concern.

If you are interested, I highly recommend checking out these resources to deepen your understanding of CSS flexbox:

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