Tips for automatically closing a dropdown menu when it loses focus

I'm having some trouble with my Tailwind CSS and jQuery setup.

After trying a few different things, I can't seem to get it working quite right. In the code below, you'll see that I have placed a focusout event on the outer div containing the dropdown code. When the search box is opened, it will open and focus correctly. However, when I click on a person in the dropdown list (which should select them and add a checkbox next to their name), the dropdown closes.

It seems that even though the <a tag gets focus, I thought the parent <div tag would still retain focus since the <a tag is within it. This doesn't happen with the search box – typing works fine and retains focus there. It's a bit confusing.

<div id="select_users" style="">

<script type="text/javascript">
     function fn_assigned_users() {
          // JavaScript function here
     // Additional JavaScript functions and logic here.

<div class="w-60">
  <div class="relative mt-2">
     // HTML input and button elements here

I'm aiming to keep the dropdown open while any interaction occurs inside it – whether through typing or clicking. The goal is for it to automatically close only when clicking, typing, or tabbing outside of the section.

Answer №1

Based on your observations and the information provided in the MDN documentation:

The focusout event occurs when an element loses focus, following the blur event. These events differ in that focusout bubbles up through the DOM hierarchy, while blur does not.

This indicates that clicking on the <a> element causes the <input> element to lose focus, triggering the focusout event. As this event bubbles up to the parent elements of the <input>, the container #assigned_users_dropdown has a focusout event listener that responds by closing the dropdown.

To customize the code behavior, you can enhance it by checking if the newly focused element remains within the same dropdown container before closing it:

dropdown_elment.focusout(function(event) {
  if (!event.relatedTarget || !this.contains(event.relatedTarget)) {
    open = false;

function fn_assigned_users() {
  // Function implementation details
$(function() {
  assigned_users_instance = fn_assigned_users();
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<div id="select_users" style="">
  <!-- Dropdown structure with relevant classes and IDs -->

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