Tips for applying CSS to StyleDocco documentation output

I have implemented grunt-styleguide with the template set as styledocco to automatically generate CSS style guides.

Although the task runs successfully, the output files generated by styledocco are missing applied CSS for demo elements.

This is my current grunt configuration for styleguide:

styleguide: {
        dist: {
            options: {
                framework: {
                    name: "styledocco"

                name: "FE KICKSTARTER V1.o"

            files: {
                "assets/css/styleguide": "assets/css/**/*.less"

The results of my implementation are not as expected:

The image, test text, and button above should display styles that are not applying. I have reviewed my configurations and everything seems to be in order, but I am unsure what I am missing.

What steps should I take to resolve this issue?

Answer №1

@chris-vdp is pointing you in the right direction. The comments in are not recognized as valid markdown. To fix this issue, replace the following code in your Less code:

/*  Base

    This is a simple Base CSS

    <div class="h1">H1 type headers</div>




This is a simple Base CSS

    <div class="h1">H1 type headers</div>


After removing the wrong tabs, your style guide will look like the example below:

Answer №2

If you're looking for a base CSS, consider trying the following:


This is a simple Base CSS 
     <div class="h1">H1 type headers</div> 

.h1 {

Basic Typography styles 
     <h2>h2 style might go like </h1>    


h2 {
    font-family:'Source Sans Pro';

When I first started, I encountered similar issues. It seems that in your source from github, the html is being escaped. Additionally, styledocco has specific requirements regarding spaces.

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