Tips for altering the color of a specific row in JQuery by targeting its unique id

I've been struggling to accomplish a simple task using Jquery and CSS, but I seem to be stuck.

My issue involves making an ajax request to update a PostgreSQL table and retrieve an id in return. This id corresponds to the id of a row in a previously defined table:

    var ajaxurl = 'requestsII/updateStatus.php'; // script to execute
    data =  {datastr:tr_id,datastr1:komvosName,datastr2:current_selection}; 
    $.post(ajaxurl, data, function (response) {
        var response = JSON.parse(response); 
        var id = response[0]['itemcode'];                                                    $("'#"+id+"'").css({backgroundColor: 'red'});

The goal is to change the color of the row with an id matching this value:

   var id = response[0]['itemcode'];    

I've experimented with different approaches, but it seems like I'm missing something in my implementation.

Answer №1

To apply styling with CSS:

$('#' + response[0]['itemcode']).css('background-color', 'green');

The highlighted components are unnecessary.

$("'#"+id+"'").css({backgroundColor: 'red'});
// ^     ^^^^

$("#" + id).css({backgroundColor: 'red'}); // Correction made

Additional resources:

Answer №2

To change the background color using jQuery, you can utilize the .css() method.

$('#' + id).css('backgroundColor', 'red');

Alternatively, it is recommended to use .addClass().

This function adds specific classes to each element within the set of selected elements.

CSS Code

<style>.YourCSSClass{background-color : red } </style>

JavaScript Code

$('#' + id).addClass('YourCSSClass');

Answer №3


$('#' + result[0]['code']).css('background-color', 'blue');

Answer №4

this is the solution

$('#'+id).css({backgroundColor: 'yellow'});

give it a shot

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