Tips for aligning icons and text vertically in React applications

Link to code sandbox demo

    {, idx) => {
            return <span className="legend-label">
                <StopIcon />{item.metric}: {item.count}</span>

Exploring the alignment issue of rendering material-icon with text side by side and seeking best practice for vertical alignment without negative consequences. Is there a proper way to achieve this alignment without compromising design integrity?

Answer №2

Utilizing css flexbox can be a good choice:

<span style={{ display:'inline-flex', alignItems: 'center' }} className="legend-label">
  <StopIcon style={{ color: palette[idx] }} />
  {item.metric}: {item.count}

Answer №3

        {, idx) => {
          return (
            <span style={{display:'flex', alignItems:'center'}} className="legend-label">
              <StopIcon style={{ color: palette[idx] }} />
              {item.metric}: {item.count}

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