Tips for adjusting the transparency of a specific element?

I have added multiple button elements using ng-repeat. Now I am looking to adjust the opacity of these buttons based on a boolean value in JavaScript before any click events occur, excluding ng-click.

Here is the HTML structure:

<div id="splash_btn_box_ng">
    <button id="{{button.buttonId}}" ng-click="setMode(button)" ng-repeat="button in buttons"></button>

I attempted to set the opacity within init() as shown below:

$ = 0.3;

However, this resulted in an error indicating that the button was not created at the time when I tried to adjust the opacity property. Due to this issue, setting opacity within init() was unsuccessful:

TypeError: Cannot set property 'opacity' of undefined

Answer №1

If you want to dynamically apply a CSS class in your HTML, you can make use of the ng-class directive. An example of this is shown below:

A button that toggles opacity has been included for state change.


<button id="{{button.buttonId}}" ng-class="{'low-opacity': isLow}" 
    ng-repeat="button in buttons">{{button.buttonId}}</button>

<button ng-click="toggleOpacity()">Toggle opcaity</button>

CSS file :

.low-opacity {
  opacity: 0.3;

Controller :

  $scope.isLow = true;

  $scope.buttons = [
        buttonId: 1
        buttonId: 2

  $scope.toggleOpacity = function () {
    $scope.isLow = !$scope.isLow;

You can view the interactive sample on jsfiddle

For more information, please refer to

Answer №2

Avoid directly manipulating the DOM, instead use the ng-style or ng-class directives. Check out the example below:

<button id="{{button.buttonId}}" ng-style="myStyle" ng-repeat="button in buttons"></button>

Here is how it can be implemented in the controller:

$scope.myStyle = {'opacity': '.3'};

Learn more about ngStyle directive here.

Explore ngClass directive documentation here.

Answer №3

Implement ng-style:

<div id="{{item.itemId}}" ng-style="itemStyles" ng-repeat="item in items"></div>


$scope.itemStyles = {
    "opacity": "0.5"

Answer №4

Have you experimented with ng-style in AngularJS?

For instance:


<button id="{{button.buttonId}}" ng-click="setMode(button)"
        ng-repeat="button in buttons" ng-style="myObj">


$scope.myObj = {
        "opacity" : "0.3"

Learn more about AngularJS ngStyle here

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