Tips for adjusting the ion-select popup height in Ionic

I've been attempting to customize the max-height property of a div that organizes elements in a popup using the interfaceOptions attribute in Ionic, but so far I haven't been successful. Here's what I have tried:

 customOptions: Record<string, string> = {
          header: this.translate.instant(''),
          cssClass: 'ion-select-max-height'
.ion-select-max-height {
          .alert-radio-group {
            max-height: 100%!important;
<ion-select [interfaceOptions]="customOptions" [formControlName]="fields.deductionStartDate">
          <ion-select-option *ngFor='let date of company.possibleDeductionDates | slice:0:6' [value]="date">
            {{ date | date:'mediumDate' }}

Is there a way to adjust the max-height of a div with the class .alert-radio-group without affecting any global styles?

Answer №1

When I apply ng-deep before the custom class I want to assign to the cssClass attribute, it ends up overriding the specific class intended for modification within the popup:

::ng-deep .ion-select-max-height {
 .alert-radio-group {
      max-height: 100%;

As a beginner in angular styling, my understanding is that ng-deep essentially enforces the style on child components. Since ion-alert is dynamically added to the DOM, I assumed it qualifies as a child component.

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