Tips for adjusting the default width of the container in Bootstrap3

Modifying the default width of a Bootstrap 3 container without causing any alignment issues can be a challenge.

The default container width currently set is

.container {
      width: 1170px;

However, I am looking to adjust it to

.container {
     width: 960px;

Answer №1

Visit this Bootstrap website to access a wide range of customizable options. Choose the size that best suits your needs and configure the @gridColumnWidth and @gridGutterWidth variables accordingly.

For instance:

 Setting @gridColumnWidth to 50px and @gridGutterWidth to 100px will result in a 1000px layout.

Once you're done customizing, proceed to download your creation.

Answer №2

To apply specific styles to a particular page, you can include the CSS directly in that file:

.container {
        width: 960px !important;

Alternatively, you can add the styles to your main template CSS using the important keyword.

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