Tips for adding a CSS marker to the Videogular timeline at a designated time

My HTML player application allows users to search for a term and then displays the results along with the time when those words appear. By clicking on a specific sentence, the HTML player will start playing from that location. However, I would like to enhance this functionality by adding a marker on the video player's timeline similar to what we see on YouTube.

Just like YouTube has a yellow marker at a specific time, I want to add a CSS marker at a particular location on the Videogular timeline.

If there is a sentence at 19:00 minutes in the search box, I want to set a yellow marker at 19:00 on the Videogular timeline.

On the click event of the search button:


<button class="btn btn-default side-search" type="button" data-ng-click="inlinSearch()"></button>


var onSearchSuccess = function (response) {
    $scope.inlineSearchResult =;
    $scope.jsonResult = JSON.parse($scope.inlineSearchResult);
$scope.inlinSearch = function () {
    var counterSearch = 0;
    var textSearch = $scope.searchkey.toLowerCase().trim();
    scopraServices.searchWithin(textSearch, videoId)
                  .then(onSearchSuccess, function () {
                      alert("Search Operation failed");

I am using ng-repeat to bind the values on the view:

<section class="scroll-content-container">
<article class="scroll-content" data-ng-repeat="sr in jsonResult" data-ng-click="Seek(sr.Location)">
<p ng-bind-html=util.boldText(searchkey,sr.Result[0].Text)></p>

Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

If you're looking for a demo, you can check out this link: For the full code example, visit:

To add cue points to Videogular and customize them using CSS, follow these steps:


<videogular vg-cue-points="ctrl.config.cuePoints">
    <vg-media vg-src="ctrl.config.sources"></vg-media>

        <vg-time-display>{{ currentTime | date:'mm:ss' }}</vg-time-display>
            <vg-scrub-bar-cue-points class="myCuepoints"
        <vg-time-display>{{ timeLeft | date:'mm:ss' }}</vg-time-display>



vg-scrub-bar-cue-points.myCustomCuepoints .cue-point {
    background-color: aqua !important;

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