Tips and instructions for assisting IE6

What are some important tips and guidelines to consider when designing websites that need to be compatible with Internet Explorer 6?

I'm not interested in a detailed list of known bugs. I want general advice on preferred elements for certain tasks, features that don't work well in IE6, CSS tricks, and other useful information.

Answer №1

These are some of the main issues that come to mind:

  • Lack of support for Alpha Transparent PNGs
  • No Hover States except with the <a > tag
  • CSS floats sometimes behave unexpectedly.
  • Restrictions on using max/min width/height.
  • The Box-model conflict (padding not included in element width).
  • Occasional issues with doubling margins.
  • IE6 does not recognize position: fixed.

...and I'm starting to feel a bit down, so I'll end here for now.

Answer №2

Fortunately, I no longer have to deal with supporting IE6. But I remember those days vividly, so I definitely sympathize with you.

  1. Check out It's a great resource for figuring out which features different browsers support. (Just be prepared to feel discouraged when you see all the red in the IE6 column!)

  2. If you're planning to do any scripting, consider using jQuery instead of plain Javascript: jQuery goes a long way in ensuring cross-browser compatibility, even in IE6. While it's not perfect, it does a pretty good job and enables features that would otherwise be impossible in IE6.

  3. Here are some tools that will make your life easier:

    • Dean Edwards' ie7.js - a JS library designed to enhance IE6's compatibility with standards (he also developed "ie8.js" and "ie9.js" to add more features missing in different IE versions)
    • Modernizr - a JS/CSS library to help you work around browser incompatibilities
    • IEPNGHack - allows you to use transparent PNG graphics in IE6
    • Whatever:Hover - lets you apply the CSS style :hover to any element type (IE6 typically only supports :hover for <a> tags)
    • CSS3Pie - a library to give IE6/7/8 some modern CSS3 features like border radius

There may be other tools out there, but these should get you started.

Make sure to communicate to your employer that as long as they stick with IE6, creating a modern, feature-rich website will be challenging. There are limitations to how much you can improve it, even with all these hacks. Plus, it'll likely be slow: IE6 is notoriously sluggish, and adding hacks will only worsen the performance.

Best of luck!

Answer №3

Although it may be tempting to simply declare "No IE6 Support!" without considering the realities faced by web developers, the truth is that sometimes the decision is out of their hands entirely.

Of course, in an ideal world, we wouldn't have to support IE6 at all.

If you do find yourself needing to accommodate IE6 users, the level of support required will vary based on the specific circumstances. Are you catering to a company with a large number of entrenched IE6 installations, or is it simply a client request for broad compatibility? Perhaps it falls somewhere in between?

In my experience, I aim for a "functional, presentable-but-not-perfect" layout for IE6. Using tools like IETester helps me catch any differences across IE versions, including the quirks of IE6. My clients have generally been satisfied with this approach, as I've been able to demonstrate that the percentage of users on IE6 is dwindling and likely less bothered by minor display issues.

The key question is: how much time should one invest in optimizing for an outdated browser with a shrinking user base, versus focusing on modern browsers where most users are moving? Ultimately, the decision may hinge on the priorities set by those commissioning the work and their reasons for valuing IE6 support.

Regardless, I highly recommend using IETester to test compatibility:

Answer №4

It's a challenging task to support IE6, but we've all had to do it at some point...

Unfortunately, I don't have specific guidelines for you, but I suggest sticking to the KISS principle (keep it simple stupid). Use CSS 2.1 and avoid using newer technologies like HTML5. Steer clear of special CSS selectors as well.

Here are some resources that might aid you in your efforts:

For testing, consider setting up a virtual machine with Windows XP running IE6. While tools like IETester may be helpful, there can still be differences between them and a full IE6 browser.

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