Thumbnails gracefully hovering alongside titles

I am puzzled by the fact that some of the thumbnails are displaying differently even though they have the same CSS...

h4 { line-height:100%; color: #be2d30; letter-spacing: 1px; text-transform: uppercase; font-family: 'Gnuolane'; font-size:26px; line-height:10%; } div.container {  } div.left {    width: 45%;     float: left; } div.right {  width: 54%;     float: right; }#thumb { display:inline; vertical-align:bottom; float:right; height:30px; width:30px; }


<div class="container">
<div class="right">
<img id="thumb"src="" >
<h4>Body Painting Art Workshop with Rotem Lutz - International Makeup Artist</h4>
March 6 @ 10:00-13:00

<img id="thumb" alt="" src="" />
<h4>Face Painting Agency Meeting for Purim</h4>
March 9 @ 10:00-13:00

<div class="left"><img id="thumb" alt="" src="" />
<h4>Natural Bride Makeup Agency Training</h4>
March 23 @ 10:00-13:00


<img id="thumb" alt="" src="" />
<h4>Free Makeup Practice Session</h4>
March 30 @ 16:00-20:00


Answer №1

#thumb: should be a div 'class', not div 'id'.
This means you are using your #thumb multiple times. A div 'id' can only be used once within a page.
A div class="thumb" selector can be used multiple times on a single page.

.thumb {
   /* etc */

Also, in your code I noticed that you have line-height specified twice.

h4 {
   line-height: 100%;
   line-height: 10%;

It would be helpful for others to evaluate if you had put your code in

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