Thumbnail vanishes upon being selected

To access my template site currently, please click here.

Currently, the first thumbnail on my website is set up to display a gallery of images in FancyBox once clicked, similar to a question asked on StackOverflow that you can view here.

Below is a snippet of the jQuery code I have for this particular thumbnail:

var galPhotos1 = [
            {href : 'images/portfolio/smilehealthy_werewolfmtd.jpg','nextEffect' : 'fade',   'prevEffect'    : 'fade'}, 
            {href : 'images/portfolio/smilehealthy_applemtd.jpg','nextEffect' : 'fade',   'prevEffect'    : 'fade'},
            {href : 'images/portfolio/smilehealthy_vampiremtd.jpg','nextEffect' : 'fade',   'prevEffect'    : 'fade'}, 


I am seeking suggestions on how to ensure that when the FancyBox gallery is closed, the thumbnail does not disappear. Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated! =]

Answer №1

If you find yourself in a situation where you have applied two different fancybox calls to the same element, it may be causing some unexpected behavior. Here is an example of what your HTML might look like:

<a id="gallery1" class="fancybox"> ...etc

The two scripts that are calling fancybox are:

$(".fancybox").fancybox(); // This call applies fancybox to all elements with the class "fancybox"


 $.fancybox(galPhotos1); // This call applies fancybox when clicking on the element with the id "gallery1"

This could be causing a conflict leading to the strange behavior. To resolve this, simply remove the class="fancybox" attribute from your anchor tag and the issue should be resolved.

<a id="gallery1"> ...etc

Answer №2

Big thanks to @jfk for the assistance! =]

I decided to take the 'a' link element out of the function and modify the code as shown below:

    $.fancybox(galPhotos1); // call fancybox when clicking on an element with id "gallery1"

This adjustment seems to have resolved the issue. It's working perfectly now!

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