There seems to be an issue with the Node JavaScript file not updating automatically

Currently facing an issue while trying to develop my first node application. The problem lies with the JavaScript file, as my CSS file is working fine which is causing confusion for me. Here is a snippet of my app.js code:

var express = require("express");
var app = express();
app.set("view engine", "ejs");
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));

Initially, I couldn't load my JavaScript file until I added line 4. However, after adding line 4, the changes made to my JavaScript file are not reflecting in the Chrome resources tab. Interestingly, my CSS file is functioning properly which adds to my dilemma.

When linking to the JavaScript file, I am using:

<script src="javascripts/main.js"></script>

Despite trying to troubleshoot by restarting the server and installing nodemon, the issue persists. The file structure of my project is as follows:


Researching the problem online, I noticed other developers facing issues with connecting to static files. However, my problem is unique in the sense that once connected, any changes made to the JavaScript file are not being reflected in the browser.

Answer №1

To resolve the issue, I suggest disabling the cache in your browser. The browser may mistakenly believe that the file is not outdated enough to be refreshed from the server, and instead is using a cached version.
For Chrome, you can open the console by pressing F12 (this also works in other browsers) to verify this.

Answer №2

Consider using absolute paths to ensure that static assets are loaded correctly. The use of relative paths (for example, scripts/custom.js) can cause issues because the browser will convert them into absolute paths based on the full URL, including any subdirectories.

For instance, if you have a nested route like /products/item and you use relative paths, when you navigate to /products/item in your browser, it will attempt to access /products/item/scripts/custom.js.

Answer №3

If you're encountering an issue, consider looking into solutions provided by tools like webpack. This library offers hot reloading, allowing any modifications made to your web application to be instantly reflected in the client. This means that files are patched to incorporate changes without the need to restart the server, ensuring that updated scripts are running seamlessly in the browser.

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