There seems to be a syntax error in the Textillate Plugin, where an IntegerLiteral was expected but ""

I am currently incorporating the Textillate plugin for text animation in my web application. However, I am encountering a Syntax error in Eclipse when defining the JavaScript for the animation, particularly with the 'in' definition. How can I resolve this issue and prevent Eclipse from throwing a syntax error?

Syntax Error

Syntax error on token "in", IntegerLiteral expected


$(function () {

         selector: '.texts', // default selector used when detecting multiple texts to animate
          loop: true, // enable looping
          minDisplayTime: 2000, // sets the minimum display time for each text before replacement
          initialDelay: 0,  // sets the initial delay before animation starts
          autoStart: true,  // determine if animation should start automatically
          inEffects: [], // custom set of 'in' effects
          outEffects: [ 'rollOut' ],   // custom set of 'out' effects

          // in animation settings
          in: {
            effect: 'rotateInUpLeft', // set the effect name
            delayScale: 1.5, // set the delay factor for each consecutive character
            delay: 50, // set the delay between each character
            sync: false,  // animate all characters simultaneously
            shuffle: false  // randomize character sequence (shuffle not applicable with sync = true)

          // out animation settings
          out: {
            effect: 'rollOut',
            delayScale: 1.5,
            delay: 50,
            sync: false,
            shuffle: true,


Answer №1

To check if a value exists within an object or array in JavaScript, use the in operator.

To avoid conflicts with reserved keywords like in, consider renaming the property or enclosing the name in quotes.

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