I'm having trouble positioning a delete button in the top right corner of a collapsible box. Despite setting it to `visibility: visible`, I can't seem to get it to display at the top of the collapsible element. Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Below is the HTML code:
<div data-role='main' class='ui-content' id='collapse'>
<div data-role='collapsible' data-theme='b' data-content-theme='b' data-iconpos='right' data-expanded-icon='collapse' data-collapsed-icon='expand'>
<a href='#' data-rel='back' data-role='button' data-icon='delete' data-iconpos='notext' style='position:absolute;top:-20px;right: -10px'>Close</a>
<div class='ui-grid-a'> <div class='ui-block-a textfloatleft' > 1 new </div>
<div class='ui-block-b textfloatright'>January 6th 2016</div>
<span id='collapstxt'> first </span>
<button href='#' id='bt01' data-icon='check' data-iconpos='right' style='width:100px;' onclick='alert(1);event.stopPropagation();' >Reply</button>
<ul data-role='listview'>
<li id='answerstyle'><span id='answerstxt'> first </span>
<div class='ui-block-b answrfloatright'>January 6th 2016</div>
<li id='answerstyle'>Audi</li>
<li id='answerstyle'>BMW</li>
<li id='answerstyle'>Cadillac</li>
<li id='answerstyle'>Ferrari</li>
To view my example on jsfiddle, click here.