The vertical-align property fails to properly align the list-style-image with the text

My HTML list is structured like this:

<ul id="remove">
<li id="rm_txt_1" onClick="remove_1();">Remove </li>

<ul id="move">
<li id="mv_txt_1" onClick="position();">Move Down</li>

It is styled using the following CSS:



#rm_txt_1, #mv_txt_1{

Despite applying "vertical-align:middle;" to all "ul" and "li" elements, the visual result appears awkward as shown below:

Answer №1

Ensure to include the line-height attribute in your stylesheet for #remove and #move, matching the dimensions of the images.

Answer №2

Increase the font size of your text to match the height of your image.
Apply a background image and position it using padding.

background: url(../images/remove.fw.png)
  padding: 5px 0px 5px 10px;
  margin: 0;
  list-style: none;

Note: Adjusting the line-height will move your text downwards, not upwards.

Answer №3

When aligning in the middle, be mindful of any padding that may inadvertently shift your content to the right. Try removing the padding to see if it resolves the issue.

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