The utilization of the Open Sans font family results in certain alterations to the user

Currently, I am working on developing a button widget using react. I have utilized the 'Open Sans' font family for the HTML body in order to maintain consistent UI styling. However, some of the styling elements break down when the 'Open Sans' font is not used. To address this issue, setting the font-family to 'Open Sans' resolves the problem. My goal is to create CSS styling that remains consistent regardless of the font-family being used.

To observe the UI changes that occur, please visit the following link: . I have created a gif demonstrating these changes.

Below is the JSX code for the widget component:

<div id="context-draggable" className={b()}>
        onClick={() => getContextItems('center-btn',contextItems)}
         onClick={() => getContextItems('top-left-btn',contextItems)}
         onClick={() => getContextItems('top-right-btn',contextItems)}
          onClick={() => getContextItems('bottom-left-btn',contextItems)}
          onClick={() => getContextItems('bottom-right-btn',contextItems)}

Additionally, here is the SCSS code for the widget component:

.context-widget {
    // Styling rules for the widget component...

The above code snippets showcase the implementation of the widget component.

Moreover, I have included shared CSS styles below:

@font-face {
    // Font-face declaration for 'Open Sans' font

// Common CSS for body and app styling...

In conclusion, my main objective is to ensure that the icons within the widget do not change their size regardless of the font-family specified in the body tags.

Answer №1

It's possible that the issue you're experiencing is due to differences in font size, weight, or line height within your default font-family.

To address this, consider implementing rules for the following properties:

By establishing these guidelines, you can ensure consistent formatting across your text. Additionally, it may be beneficial to designate fallback font-families as a precautionary measure, such as:

.class {
    font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica;

If you require further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Edit: Comment regarding updating question has been removed for clarity.

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