The Ultimate Guide to Setting up SVG's Viewbox, Width, and Height for Scalability and Responsiveness

As a beginner in SVG design, I find it challenging to scale, zoom in/out with the container and ensure responsiveness across different devices.

I wonder if it's possible to create an SVG that adapts to all device sizes and effectively handles browsing zoom functionality.

So far, I've experimented with viewport and viewbox settings for each breakpoint.

For example, on Desktop, I have an SVG that fits within a container and should scale and zoom in/out accordingly (svgClass).

.svgClass {
 background-image: url('assets/svg/desktop-svg.svg');
 width: "100%";
 height: 800px;
 position: absolute;

<div class="svgClass"></div>

Sample SVG


<svg width="1400" height="800" viewbox="0 0 1121 641">

The SVG displays well at 100% browser zoom, but becomes displaced when zoomed in or out.

To address zoom in, I increased the viewport height to 1400 and width to 800 compared to the viewbox (0 0 1121 641), which worked for zooming in but not out.

I've attempted removing width and height from the viewport and experimenting with auto and 100% settings, but haven't achieved success.

How can I design an SVG that scales with the container and remains responsive? Also, do I need to set up viewport and viewbox configurations for each device?

Answer №1

Let me provide an example where SVG is contained within the parent container. In this scenario, the parent container will appear as a gray square. It's important to note that the SVG file should not specify width and height in the header but rather use viewBox for adaptability.

I've utilized an input element to demonstrate how adjusting the width of the parent container proportionally alters the dimensions of the SVG:

.container {
width: var(--w1,60px); 
    <input type="range" 
           oninput="document.querySelector('.container').style.setProperty('--w1', this.value + 'px');" 
    <span>width Container</span><br> 
<div class="container" >
    <svg  viewBox="0 0 120 120">    
            <mask id="msk1">
                <circle class="maskCircle" cx="60" cy="60" r="40" fill="none" 
                        stroke="white" stroke-width="8" 
                        stroke-dashoffset="0" stroke-dasharray="251.2">
                    <animate attributeName="stroke-dashoffset" dur="3s" 
                             values="251.2;0" fill="freeze" 
                             repeatCount="indefinite" />
        <circle class="background" cx="60" cy="60" r="40" fill="none" 
                stroke="#E4E4E4" stroke-width="8" />
        <circle class="default" cx="60" cy="60" r="40" fill="none" 



<input type="range" min="60" max="600" oninput="document.querySelector('.container').style.setProperty('--w1', this.value + 'px');" value="0"><span>width Container</span><br> 

The aforementioned lines can be removed from the application as the input was solely used for illustrating the adaptive nature of the SVG when resizing the parent container.

Useful insights:

  1. While developing an adaptive SVG application, set the viewBox ="0 0 200 200" with dimensions matching the smallest screen size of the device. When creating graphics in a vector editor, ensure not to exceed the document boundaries - typically around 200x200px.

  2. If width and height aren't specified for the SVG, it will automatically adjust to fit the entire screen of the device.

<svg xmlns="" 
    xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 200 200" >

For instance, at a screen resolution of 1400px, the SVG would scale up by a factor of 7.

  1. If you wish for the SVG to occupy only one quarter of the parent container, specify both the width and height as 25%:
<div class="container" style="width:25%; height:25%;"> 
   <svg xmlns="" 
    xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 200 200" >

Answer №2

To ensure your SVG auto-fits inside its container, remove the "width" and "height" attributes and solely focus on adjusting the viewBox numbers. This way, conflicting with the container's dimensions (e.g., a DIV) will be eliminated.

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