The Twitter Bootstrap template page is leaping past the beginning of the div

Currently, I am utilizing the Twitter Bootstrap template from this source to develop a one-page responsive website. While the template is working effectively, I have encountered an issue with the page jumps in the HTML.

Specifically, when navigating to the About, Services, or Contact sections, I notice that the page scrolls past the intended div instead of landing accurately on it. This issue persists across the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox, despite using Bootstrap 3.

Despite conducting thorough research, I have been unable to locate any documentation relating to Bootstrap's page jump functionality. The perplexing question remains: why do the jumps overshoot the designated <div>?

Answer №1

Your issue differs from the bug report mentioned above.

In order to account for the fixed navbar, you have set a padding-top of 50px on your body element. However, when scrolling to a div, this padding does not take effect and your content may be hidden by the navbar.

To solve this, you can include some additional JavaScript to set a padding-top on the div you are scrolling to:

$('.navbar-ex1-collapse a').click(function() 
    var link = $(this).attr('href');

Another solution could be to add extra space in your HTML markup.

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