The Transition Division Is Malfunctioning

I've encountered an issue where I am trying to move a div by adjusting its left property, but no transition is taking place. Regardless of the changes I make to my code, the result remains the same. Below is the current state of the code. Can anyone identify what I might be overlooking?


<div ng-style="pos" class="box"></div>


.box {
    transition: top 1800ms linear, left 1800ms linear;


function moveController($scope) {
    $scope.pos = {
        top: 250,
        left: 100
    $scope.pos.left = 650;

Although the box appears correctly on the screen with the CSS formatting, it fails to transition over the specified 1800ms period. Can someone shed some light on why this might be happening?

Answer №1

It is advisable to incorporate a timeout or delay before modifying the styles:

function updatePosition($scope, $timeout) {
    $scope.coordinates = {
        top: 240,
        left: 110

         $scope.coordinates.left = 655;
    }, 1000)


Considering that the DOM is rendered after the controller initialization, without any delay the initial position of the DIV would be top: 250, left: 650.

Answer №2

It seems like the issue lies in assigning both values simultaneously.

$timeout(function () {
   $scope.pos.left = 650;
}, 10);

By following this method, you can establish an initial value and modify it as needed!

Answer №3

One way to ensure your code executes only after the DOM has loaded is by using

within your controller.

To implement this in your controller, you can do the following:

    // Your action goes here

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