The table toggle feature seems to be malfunctioning in Safari, whereas it works perfectly in Chrome

My table includes a td element that serves as a toggle switch, transitioning between 3 states flawlessly in Chrome. However, I am facing issues with its functionality in Safari and seek assistance in rectifying the issue to ensure cross-browser compatibility.

Attached are both an image and the relevant code snippet.

Grateful for any insights or solutions shared.


highlight {
    background-color: #86C440;
    color: white;

th {
  font-size: 30px;

tr {
  text-align: left;

td {
  font-size: 20px;
  background-color: #d4d6d3;
  cursor: pointer;

.center {
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: auto;

tr {

  border: 5px solid #d4d6d3;
  background-color: #4eafef;
  left: -46px;
  top: -46px;
  height: 7px;
  width: 7px;
  line-height: 7px;
  cursor: pointer;
<div id="switch">1</div>


  table          {border-collapse: collapse; border: 5px solid white; padding: 5px;}
  table td       {text-align: center; color: black; border: 5px solid white; padding: 10px; height: 66px; width: 66px;}

<table class="center">
   <td id="toggle" class="last" onclick="toggle1()"></td>



    function toggle1() {

                var key = document.getElementById("switch").innerHTML;

              if (key == 1) {

                      document.getElementById("toggle").style.backgroundColor = "white";
                      document.getElementById("toggle").style.backgroundImage = "url('')";
                      document.getElementById("toggle").style.borderStyle = "solid";
                      document.getElementById("toggle").style.borderColor = "#d4d6d3";
                      document.getElementById("toggle").style.borderWidth = "5px";
                      document.getElementById("switch").innerHTML = 2;

                            //console.log("toggle clicked 1st time!");

              } else if (key == 2) {

                      document.getElementById("toggle").style.backgroundColor = "#a370f0";
                      document.getElementById("toggle").style.backgroundImage = "url('')";
                      document.getElementById("toggle").style.borderStyle = "solid";
                      document.getElementById("toggle").style.borderColor = "#d4d6d3";
                      document.getElementById("toggle").style.borderWidth = "5px";
                      document.getElementById("switch").innerHTML = 3;

                            //console.log("toggle clicked 2nd time!");

              } else if (key == 3) {

                      document.getElementById("toggle").style.backgroundColor = "#4eafef";
                      document.getElementById("toggle").style.backgroundImage = "url('')";
                      document.getElementById("toggle").style.borderStyle = "solid";
                      document.getElementById("toggle").style.borderColor = "#d4d6d3";
                      document.getElementById("toggle").style.borderWidth = "5px";
                      document.getElementById("switch").innerHTML = 1;

                            //console.log("toggle clicked 3rd time!");





Answer №1

When comparing the behavior of Chrome/Edge to Safari, there are several issues that may lead to differences.

One problem is the presence of a style declaration within the body element instead of the head element, which can be flagged as invalid HTML by an HTML validator. The solution provided below moves this style declaration to the head element.

Another issue involves a setting for tr elements that applies a transform, causing Chrome to position the fixed element relative to the table's beginning rather than relative to the viewport. While I do not have a complete explanation for this behavior, it seems that any kind of transform triggers this change and creates a new stacking context.

A warning from the validator arises due to a third cell in the first row but not in subsequent rows. It is unclear how the table layout should appear under these circumstances, especially considering the fixed setting that visually removes the third cell from the flow. To address this, the snippet removes the third cell and adds a button before the table, resulting in consistent behavior across Safari and Chrome/Edge.

Adjustments might be needed for the button's positioning – one potential solution is placing the button and the table inside a container with specified positioning based on the desired layout requirements.

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