The SVG is floating away from its anchor container

Is there a way to adjust the size of the <a> tag so that it can fully contain the SVG icon? And also, how can I remove the underlined area of the <a> element? Click here for an illustration

a {
  background-color: rgba(42, 165, 42, 0.596);
  text-decoration: none;
  display: inline-block;

svg {
  background-color: rgba(165, 42, 42, 0.596);
  height: 50px
<a href="#">
  <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 16.28 16.28">
          d="M8.14 3.96a4.17 4.17 0 0 0-4.17 4.17 4.16 4.16 0 0 0 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 0 0 0 4.17-4.17A4.17 4.17 0 0 0 8.2 3.96zm0 6.88a2.71 2.71 0 1 1 0-5.42 2.71 2.71 0 0 1 2.71 2.71 2.72 2.72 0 0 1-2.71 2.72zm5.32-7a1 1 0 0 1-1.707.707 1 1 0 0 1 .707-1.707 1 1 0 0 1 1 1zm2.76 1a4.83 4.83 0 0 0-1.32-3.4A4.84 4.84 0 0 0 11.49.12a107.23 107.23 0 0 0-6.71 0 4.87 4.87 0 0 0-3.41 1.31A4.86 4.86 0 0 0 .05 4.84a107.55 107.55 0 0 0 0 6.72 4.86 4.86 0 0 0 1.32 3.41 4.79 4.79 0 0 0 3.41 1.23c1.34.08 5.37.08 6.71 0a4.79 4.79 0 0 0 3.41-1.3 4.86 4.86 0 0 0 1.3-3.41c.08-1.34.08-5.37 0-6.71zM14.48 13a2.76 2.76 0 0 1-1.54 1.55c-1.07.42-3.62.32-4.8.32s-3.73.1-4.8-.32A2.75 2.75 0 0 1 1.79 13c-.43-1.07-.33-3.62-.33-4.8s-.09-3.73.33-4.8a2.73 2.73 0 0 1 1.55-1.54c1.07-.43 3.61-.33 4.8-.33s-3.73-.1 4.8.32a2.75 2.75 0 0 1 1.55 1.55c.42 1.07.32 3.62.32 4.8s.1 3.73-.33 4.8z"

Answer №1

The SVG icon is 50px X 50px, but when placed inside an a element which is typically inline, it creates additional space.
Similar to how text, also an inline element, adds space above and below.
This leads the browser to interpret that the svg within the a is also inline and adds space.
To ensure the width and height of the a element match the svg:

  • Add display: inline-flex to the parent's(a) CSS
  • Add display: inline-table to the child's(svg) CSS

Example snippet

a {
  background-color: rgba(42, 165, 42, 0.596);
  text-decoration: none;
  display: inline-flex;

svg {
  background-color: rgba(165, 42, 42, 0.596);
  height: 50px;
  display: inline-table;
<a href="#">
  <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 16.28 16.28">
          d="M8.14 3.96a4.17 4.17 0 0 0-4.17 4.17 4.16 4.16 0 0 0 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 0 0 0 4.17-4.17A4.17 4.17 0 0 0 8.2 3.96zm0 6.88a2.71 2.71 0 1 1 0-5.42 2.71 2.71 0 0 1 2.71 2.71 2.72 2.72 0 0 1-2.71 2.72zm5.32-7a1 1 0 0 1-1.707.707 1 1 0 0 1 .707-1.707 1 1 0 0 1 1 1zm2.76 1a4.83 4.83 0 0 0-1.32-3.4A4.84 4.84 0 0 0 11.49.12a107.23 107.23 0 0 0-6.71 0 4.87 4.87 0 0 0-3.41 1.31A4.86 4.86 0 0 0 .05 4.84a107.55 107.55 0 0 0 0 6.72 4.86 4.86 0 0 0 1.32 3.41 4.79 4.79 0 0 0 3.41 1.23c1.34.08 5.37.08 6.71 0a4.79 4.79 0 0 0 3.41-1.3 4.86 4.86 0 0 0 1.3-3.41c.08-1.34.08-5.37 0-6.71zM14.48 13a2.76 2.76 0 0 1-1.54 1.55c-1.07.42-3.62.32-4.8.32s-3.73.1-4.8-.32A...

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