The submission of the form is not functioning correctly when triggered by JavaScript using a button

My website was designed using a CSS/HTML framework that has been seamlessly integrated into an ASP.NET site.

Within a ContentPlaceHolder, I have implemented a basic login form. The unique aspect is that I am utilizing the onclick event of an image to submit the form. While this method typically functions smoothly, I am currently encountering an issue.

<div id="login">
    <form action="index.aspx" method="post" id="nothingForm" name="nothingForm">
    <form action="" method="post" id="loginform" name="loginform">
        <input type="text" name="uname" value="username" onfocus="if(!this._haschanged){this.value=''};this._haschanged=true;"/>
        <input type="password" name="pword" value="password" onfocus="if(!this._haschanged){this.value=''};this._haschanged=true;"/>
    <br /><img src="images/login.gif" alt="" onclick="document['loginform'].submit()" />    </div>

To make the onclick="document['loginform'].submit()" function properly, I had to insert another form before the actual form. Ideally, this workaround should not be necessary, but unfortunately, I could not find any solutions for this issue online.

Has anyone else encountered a similar situation like this?

Answer №1

Have you experimented with using

? It seems like a more appropriate approach, as accessing elements directly from the document in that manner is not a common practice. It could potentially lead to unexpected side effects.

Answer №2

The issue lies in the fact that the page currently contains a form encapsulating all the code. Nesting forms is not allowed, which means that the first form tag will be disregarded, and its closing tag will prematurely end the outer form.

To resolve this problem, you must position your form outside of the existing form structure.

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