The submenus in the jQuery menu within the dialog box are not displaying as

My current setup includes a jquery menu with sub menus within a jquery dialog. You can see it in action here:



The issue I'm facing is that when I open a sub menu, it gets hidden inside the div and scroll bars start to appear. Ideally, I want the sub menu to overlap the dialog instead of being hidden behind it. I have attempted to adjust the z-index without success, even when using position:absolute.

I found a similar question on this topic but it doesn't have an accepted answer yet:

Problem: Menu UL is always behind jquery dialog

Do you have any suggestions on how to resolve this? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

To fix the issue, simply include overflow: visible in the .ui-dialog class and remove overflow from the .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-content.

.ui-dialog {
    overflow: visible

.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-content {
    overflow: inherit;

View updated example

Answer №2

Make sure to assign a class to all submenus for easy identification

Upon clicking on any of these submenu items, adjust the dialog box width as needed

Additionally, provided below is an example code snippet:

  <li class='submenu'><a href="#">Alpha</a></li>
  <li class='submenu'><a href="#">Beta</a></li>
  <li class='submenu'><a href="#">Gamma</a></li>
  <li class='submenu'>

$('.submenu').click(function() {

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