The styling applied through the MUI TextField sx props does not take effect

Currently, I am attempting to customize a TextField component in a unique way using the sx prop:

        padding: '1px 3px',
        fontSize: '0.875rem',
        lineHeight: '1.25rem',

I am working with MUI v5 framework. However, upon inspecting the input element, it appears that the styles are not being applied. What could be causing this issue?

UPDATE: Upon further investigation, it seems that the styles are actually being applied to the wrapper element through its generated class. Nevertheless, my intention is to style the input element directly.

I also attempted to utilize inputProps, but unfortunately, it did not yield any results.

Answer №1

You have the ability to customize individual components by directly targeting their classes using sx. Here is an example:

        label="Custom Label"
        defaultValue="Custom Value"
          ".MuiInputBase-input": {
            padding: '1px 3px',
            fontSize: '0.875rem',
            lineHeight: '1.25rem',

Check out this CodeSandbox for a live demo:

Answer №2

If you are looking to customize the appearance of your input field, consider using the inputProps prop. This allows you to pass the sx prop as a regular object directly to the input component. Here is an example:

    sx: {
      padding: '1px 3px',
      fontSize: '0.875rem',
      lineHeight: '1.25rem'

To learn more about this feature, refer to the documentation here:

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