the spillage exhibits only a thin streak of gray

My website is primarily a Single Page Website, however, there are specific pages that can only be accessed by registered users. On the website, there is a section referred to as a "block" where you will find a button labeled "Login / Register". Upon clicking this button, a login and registration form will appear.

Because the registration process requires input of various information such as first and last name, email, password (entered twice), reCAPTCHA verification, and agreeing to the terms of use, we designed it in a way that it appears like a separate page. To expedite the process, I incorporated this registration form on the main page with styles of position:fixed;, overflow:auto;, and initially set to display:none;. Once the "login / register" button is clicked, it changes to display:block; while also adding overflow:hidden; to the HTML and body elements. The functionality works smoothly, allowing scrolling up and down, although the appearance of the scroll bar appears peculiar.

Below is the JavaScript (jQuery) code snippet:

function login(){
return false;

Displayed below is a screenshot highlighting the issue on the webpage:

Answer №1

It is recommended to

use overflow: visible; 

rather than

using overflow: auto; 

for the #loginpopup element

Answer №2

The issue you are experiencing is due to the fixed div with the backgroundcolor class that covers the entire width and height at 100%, causing it to display over the scrollbar. To resolve this, remove the fixed div and instead apply the grey background directly to the body element.

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