Upon reaching the final slide and returning to the first slide, a small line appears on the left side indicating that the image does not fully cover the slide. Could this be an issue with the JavaScript code?
This problem becomes more apparent in full-screen view or when resizing the screen to test responsive design.
You can refer to the screenshots below:
var slideIndex,slides,dots,captionText;
function initGallery(){
// Code snippet for gallery initialization goes here
// More JavaScript functions defined here...
/* CSS styling for the gallery container */
/* More CSS rules specific to the gallery go here... */
<div class="galleryContainer">
<div class="slideShowContainer">
<div id="playPause" onclick="playPauseSlides()"></div>
<div onclick="plusSlides(-1)" class="nextPrevBtn leftArrow"><span class="arrow arrowLeft"></span></div>
<div onclick="plusSlides(1)" class="nextPrevBtn rightArrow"><span class="arrow arrowRight"></span></div>
<div class="captionTextHolder"><p class="captionText slideTextFromTop"></p></div>
<!-- HTML structure for gallery slides -->
<div id="dotsContainer"></div>