The scroll feature in JavaScript is malfunctioning

After countless hours of troubleshooting, I still can't figure out why the code snippet below is not working properly on my website at :

    $(window).scroll(function () {
        if ($(window).scrollTop() > 400) { 
            $('.home #masthead').css("opacity", 0.98);
            $('.home #masthead').css("opacity", 0);

I have placed this script in the footer section with 'script' tags and ensured that all necessary files are included. Your assistance and review of the page source would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

It is essential to ensure that your script code is placed within the $(document).ready function. This function ensures that the entire page content has been loaded, preventing you from applying functions to elements that do not yet exist.

In the scenario provided, you are attempting to bind the scroll function before the document has finished loading.

Additionally, verify that you have properly loaded jQuery. As mentioned by @adeneo, Wordpress utilizes jQuery instead of the shorthand $ as a reference to jQuery.

For more information, refer to

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    $(window).scroll(function () {
        if ($(window).scrollTop() > 400) { 
            $('.home #masthead').css("opacity", 0.98);
            $('.home #masthead').css("opacity", 0);

Answer №2

Upon reviewing your webpage, it seems that the $ variable is not properly bound to jQuery. This could be due to a script calling jQuery.noConflict() or perhaps another element is overriding $.

To address this issue, I recommend resolving the binding problem or substituting $ with jQuery in your code:

jQuery(window).scroll(function () {
    if (jQuery(window).scrollTop() > 400) { 
        jQuery('.home #masthead').css("opacity", 0.98);
        jQuery('.home #masthead').css("opacity", 0);

If you are confident this won't cause issues, you can add the following before your current code:

$ = jQuery;

Additionally, as mentioned in a previous response, it's advisable to wrap your entire code block within $(document).ready or equivalent function. An example snippet would look like this:

$ = jQuery;
$(function() {
    $(window).scroll(function () {
        if ($(window).scrollTop() > 400) { 
            $('.home #masthead').css("opacity", 0.98);
        } else{
            $('.home #masthead').css("opacity", 0);

However, upon testing this on your site, the element .home #masthead appears to have no content, so you may not observe any visible changes.

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