The renderToString function in Material UI's sx property doesn't seem to have

Every time I apply sx to a component that is rendered as a string and then displayed using dangerouslySetInnerHtml, the styles within the sx prop do not work.

Here is an example showcasing the issue:


import * as React from "react";
import { renderToString } from "react-dom/server";
import Box from "@mui/material/Box";

function BoxExample({ color }) {
  return (
        bgcolor: color,

export default function BasicButtons() {
  const badHtml = renderToString(<BoxExample color={"#01FF00"} />);
  return (
      <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: badHtml }} />
      <BoxExample color={"#00B2FF"} />
      {/* <BoxExample color={"#01FF00"} /> */}

If you uncomment the third BoxExample and refresh, both green boxes will have their background color applied.

Answer №1

While experimenting with your sandbox, it seems that the CSS needed for the renderToString component is either not being generated or not being injected into the DOM. When uncommenting the third Box element, it triggers the generation and/or injection of the CSS, allowing the renderAsString component to finally access the necessary styles.

It's worth noting that both renderToString() and dangerouslySetInnerHtml are strongly advising against their usage. These methods bypass the full React rendering pipeline, leading to lackluster results and missing key elements that would typically be present if the code had been fully rendered by React.

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