The "Splash Screen Div" page displayed during transitions and page loading

Creating a "Splash Screen Div" for a loading page involves waiting until everything is loaded and then hiding or moving the div off screen. Below is an example:


<div id="loading-Div">

        <div id="bear-Logo">

            <div id="target">
                <div id="target2">
                    <div id="bearloop"></div>




Use a class called 'fallback' to move the absolutely positioned div offscreen.



    $( '#loading-Div' ).addClass( 'fallback' );


This method works well when clicking a link and displaying the div while the page loads. However, there's a desire to show the div immediately upon clicking the link and keep it visible until the destination page is fully loaded.


Key Points:

Implementing this feature may require a browser plugin because:

  1. The link doesn't lead to another anchor within the same page.
  2. Since the link directs to a different .html page, the content being displayed would halt during the transition.


  1. This functionality is limited to intra-site usage only.
  2. No concern for compatibility with IE.
  3. This is not associated with any academic assignment or client project. It's solely for learning web development and experimenting with creative page transitions.

Exploring options without using animations and callbacks for outgoing links to display the div smoothly can be challenging. Balancing coherence with file size becomes an important consideration. Any suggestions on how to tackle this issue are welcome!

Answer №1

By placing your Javascript at the bottom of the page, it will load asynchronously after everything else has loaded.


I'm curious about the nested DIV structure you used. Will the content load inside the logo element?


Is moving the div off-screen part of your animation strategy?

$(".fallback").animate({top: "+=400px", opacity: 0}, 1000);


If you intend to display an element after a link is clicked, you don't necessarily need to use the window.load function.

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